Gusdur, A Father of Multiculturalism

I think it’s a good opportunity for me to practice and improve my English in Writing iCan Course. And the first challenge on this week is write the biography of figure mosleem who inspiring me.
Who is know the 4th president in Indonesia? Yes, He is KH. Abdurrahman Wahid or we ussually called him, Gus Dur. He was the muslim leader and politican who was president of Indonesia from 1999-2001. He is one of inspiring figure for all Muslims in the country. I took the figure from Indonesia, because now we difficult to find the inspiring figure in this country. Nowdays, many ustadz do the capitalism of religion for their provit, example Ustadz Guntur Bumi, Kanjeng Dimas, etc.
Gusdur was born in Denanyar, East Java, Sept 7,1940 and He passed way Dec, 30, 2009. His grandfather, KH. Hasyim Asyari is the founder of Nahdatul Ulama (NU). He has five siblings from their parent KH. Wahid Hasyim and Hj. Sholehah. When Gusdur was chid he study more about islam in  pesantren, Jombang and Tegalrejo. His Father wa a minister of religion on 1949. In teen years, Gusdur was familiar with a variety of the magazine, newspaper, novels and book. He read not only the stories but the discourse on philoshopy and international documents. In 1953, his father dead and Gusdur was often read in his father’s personal library.
 In 1963 Gusdur got the scholarship to study at the prestigious Al-Azhar University in Cairo (Egypt). Before he leaving for Egypt, he said with his uncle to purpose the girl for him, that Sinta Nuriah, the daughter of M.Nuh Sakur. In Cairo, Gusdur did not finish because of the criticality of mind and then he moved to Baghdad. He always read the book, the  French and English books, and studied Marxism. After returning to Indonesia in the late 1971,, Gusdur became a scholar. He was elevated to the post of general chairman of the NU in 1984.
As the chief of NU, gusdur was one of the most respected figures mosleem in Indonesian and start to be politican. Gusdur was replaced by BJ Habibie as President after the elected Assembly election results of 1999. He was President of Indonesia from October 20, 1999 until 2001. He always familiar with his joke and often said “ Gitu aja kok repot”
Gusdur are labeled with a father of pluralism and multiculturalism, and I really appreciate with his idealogy, his activities, etc was according with the guidelines of our religion where Islam as rahmatan lil Alamin. He always speak up for the weak people and minorities. He sees that all religions are the same, cointains the kindness. He teach us how to do good to the others, eventhough we have different religion. He teach us how to apply the multiculturalism in this country and cooperate with everyone.
Gusdur also received awards and gained a lot of Honorary Doctorate (Doctor Honoris Causa) from various institution of  education
For last, I always remember the Gusdur’s said,  If you do good to the people, nobody ask your religion. Because religion is the our private to the God and our duty is doing good to the others. Wallohua'lam.

-HSC- October, 2016 


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