
Menampilkan postingan dari 2016

The First Step in Million Journeys

I do believe the quotes that are said “The million steps in the journey s is starting from the first step”. Yeah, and one of my first steps is writing this essay. Pramoedya   Ananta   Toer   said, “People may clever as higher the sky, but if he didn't write anything then it will disappear from civilization. Writing is the work of eternity”. So that why I focused to learn how to make the good writing. Earlier we can learn from our Holly AL- Quran,   who teach us to walk around in the world. According to  Surah   Al- Ankabut   verse 20, “Say [O Muhammad], travel the land and observe   how He   began creatio n. Then,   Alloh   will produce the final creatio n. Indeed Alloh,   over all things, is competent.” Beside that I have big dream to go abroad and study in another country. I want to meet another people, know their culture, learn the local wisdom there and feel another season. To realize my dream ...

Gusdur, A Father of Multiculturalism

I think it’s a good opportunity for me to practice and improve my English in Writing iCan Course. And the first challenge on this week is write the biography of figure mosleem who inspiring me. Who is know the 4th president in Indonesia? Yes, He is KH. Abdurrahman Wahid or we ussually called him, Gus Dur. He was the muslim leader and politican who was president of Indonesia from 1999-2001. He is one of inspiring figure for all Muslims in the country. I took the figure from Indonesia, because now we difficult to find the inspiring figure in this country. Nowdays, many ustadz do the capitalism of religion for their provit, example Ustadz Guntur Bumi, Kanjeng Dimas, etc. Gusdur was born in Denanyar, East Java, Sept 7,1940 and He passed way Dec, 30, 2009. His grandfather, KH. Hasyim Asyari is the founder of Nahdatul Ulama (NU). He has five siblings from their parent KH. Wahid Hasyim and Hj. Sholehah. When Gusdur was chid he study more about islam in  pesantren, Jombang and Teg...

Mau Kota Metro-polutan?

Kota adalah pengejawantahan artefak urban yang komprehensif, mengakar dan berkait kelindan dengan budaya masyarakat itu sendiri. Semakin besar suatu kota, maka semakin besar pula permasalahan yang dihadapi. Ketimpangan ekonomi yang menganga antara desa dan kota menyebabkan arus deras urbanisasi semakin menyumbang permasalahan kota menjadi kompleks. Munculnya degradasi lingkungan, ketidaktersediaan pemukiman atau perumahan, minimnya ruang publik, diperparah dengan amburadulnya sarana dan prasarana sistem transportasi menyebabkan kota semakin semrawut. Dewasa ini, ada banyak sekali konsep pengembangan kota yang digulirkan dan digaungkan. Mulai dari kota hijau ( green city ), kota pintar ( smart city ), compact city, megacity , kota satelit/baru dan lain-lain. Dari kesemua konsep itu, hal utama yang diinginkan dari sebuah kota adalah kota yang nyaman dan layak huni ( livable city ) untuk semua orang. Senada dengan D. Hahlweg ( 1997 ) “A Livable City is a city where I can have a ...